Want Him to Behave Better ? Get Married !

Want Him to Behave Better? Get Married!

Behind every outgoing and sociable man, there is a woman. How many times have you heard, discussed with your girls and constantly told yourself that you taught your guy some 'manners' so that he knows how to 'behave' and now he is more 'civilized'? You would be happy to know that we have research to prove that married men have better social etiquette.

According to a new study by the Archives of General Psychiatry conducted by S. Alexander Burt, a behavioural geneticist at Michigan State University, married men are less antisocial. The study also suggests that men with less antisocial behavior are also more open to marriage.

The study was conducted on 289 genetically identical male twins when they were 17, 20, 24 and 29 years of age. It was found that the men who were less antisocial at 17 and 20 years were married by 29. Moreover, those who got married indulged in less antisocial behavior, like getting into fights, drunk driving and unwarranted aggression, after getting hitched.

So, next time your guy makes a face when you tell him that you made him more 'civilized', ask him to read this article! He'll know he's not the only one ;)